SCSU Journalism alumni return to meet with students

Deadlines, student media and artificial intelligence: These topics, and more, were featured during a night of networking between SCSU journalism students and alumni from the program.

Students questioned SCSU Journalism alumni on how they got started and how they’re using their skills today.

The annual SCSU Journalism Alumni Night, held on Thursday, April 25 at the Adanti Student Center, drew about 30 current students and journalism graduates. The event featured Q&A with alumni working in print, broadcast and public relations fields.

The event was hosted by the SCSU SPJ chapter, which is planning a virtual session in the fall to connect with out-of-state journalists.

Photos by Jaylen Carr.

SCSU Journalism alumni talk with students during a Q&A at the annual Alumni Night on April 25, 2024. (Jaylen Carr)
Professor Emeritus Jerry Dunklee speaks during a Q&A at the annual Alumni Night on April 25, 2024. (Jaylen Carr)