A young man in the Army

By Brandon Cortés This story was reported in JRN 227 Audio and Video Storytelling in Spring…

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Drive for success with Bonssa Tufa

By Robert Hahn This story was reported for JRN 227 Audio and Video Storytelling in Spring…

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Coping with college and battling a disease

By Brianna Wallen This story was reported in JRN 227 Audio and Video Storytelling in Spring…

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Student video projects

When Southern closed campus in March 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic, students in the first…

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first class

TV News students produce video magazine

Students in the Spring 2019 JRN 311 TV News Workshop covered everything from marijuana research at…

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TV News video magazine features student athletes, Meriden development, and Prince

Students in Television News Workshop (JRN 311), led by Professor Jerry Dunklee, produced a 22-minute news…

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